working from home

7 Reasons Working From Home Isn’t Working For You

Working from home is a great way to have more freedom over your work/ life balance, but it can cause some real challenges for some people. The important thing to know, before you hot foot it back to a working office, is that there are ways to work around common WFH problems. Read on to find out about 7 of the most common reasons WFH causes challenges for home workers, and how to improve those situations:

1.   You Don’t Have An Office

So many of us get stuck working on the sofa, or in bed, thinking we are living the life of luxury. In fact, we’re just heading straight for bad posture, lower productivity and issues separating work and personal life at home. Try clearing out the spare room and popping the contents into an affordable storage unit, giving yourself a good base setup (chair, desk, laptop). You can then build on this with a colour scheme, plants, better lighting etc. It’s a place that will help you to get your work done, and help you to leave work behind at the end of the day, too.

2.   You’re Not Creating Boundaries

Boundaries are so important as a home worker and if you don’t have them, you will find that everything becomes one giant smush of work and home life. That includes kids running into your home office, you taking work calls during dinner with your family and perhaps sleeping in, or working late without any structure. Create boundaries that support your work and home life. Get up on time everyday, leave work in the office, turn off email notifications and clearly ask family not to come into your home office when you’re working. Clear out a box room or the attic and put those posessions in some London self storage. These boundaries are as important for them as they are for you, and your work/life balance.

3.   Nothing Ever Works

One of the hardest parts of being part of the working from home movement is when things you need don’t work. The internet goes down, your laptop breaks, the heating is broken – these are all very difficult things to deal with when you’re depending on them to do your work. What you can do to counteract this is to have backup plans like a cheap backup laptop (or an older one you have kept), a dongle or similar internet device, a portable camping cooker to make hot drinks, blankets – anything that helps with things going wrong.


It is also handy to be able to get to other places like a coffee shop, small business hub, or even a friends house if you have an important work call and you know you can’t afford for things to go wrong. It may sound over the top but it does provide peace of mind knowing that when things go wrong, mostly, you can work around those hurdles and continue to get your work done.

4.   You’re Perpetually Distracted

If you are perpetually distracted by pretty much everything at home, you need to think about what ‘gets you in the zone’. Many people like to use noise cancelling headphones, or the Pomodoro technique to help structure their work. You’ll also need to be strong and avoid social media or putting the TV on as not to make the situation worse. It can be hard to tackle this problem but there is always a solution, you just have to try things out to find it.

5.   You’re Lonely

It is so common for people who work from home to feel lonely, but it can be remedied. One thing you can do is join accountability video calls where several people link up on a video conference and ‘work together’ to hold each other accountable (and to socialise). You can work in shared working spaces with others who are freelance/ remote workers. You can also work in a coffee shop one day a week (also great for saving money on energy bills), and perhaps bump up those social meetings with friends and family so you’re getting more time with people you love when you’re not working.

6.   You’re Not Seeing The Benefits

The novelty of working in pajamas and having lunch at home soon wears off, and suddenly you’re just, working from home *shrug*. If this is why you feel working from home is not working for you, the chances are you are not reaping the rewards. Why not start to schedule things into your lunch breaks, or move your schedule around to make better use of your time? Could you work late tomorrow because a friend is free for coffee in the morning? Could you have an extended lunch break to go for a long walk whilst the weather is nice? When you work from home and especially when you freelance, you can cultivate your own perfect life around your job, but you have to build that perfect life, it won’t just happen for you.

7.   You’re In The Wrong Job

Often, having to get to the office to ‘clock in’ and then leave work behind is what keeps people in jobs they hate – because it’s easy and there’s no real need to push to get it done. When you work from home you are in charge of getting up and getting the work done, and so if you hate the job it suddenly becomes obvious, because you have to make the effort to do it at home – without the distraction of colleagues, office environment, group morale etc.

If this is you, you can still enjoy your WFH life, you just need to do another job so you can enjoy your career and the freedom doing it from home provides. In this instance it isn’t the working from home, it’s the work itself.

Working From Home Can Work For You


With the tips above you can enjoy a better working from home life, it just takes a little time to find which adjustments need to be made to enable you to make the most of it. Hopefully, soon enough, you’ll enjoy exceptional work/ life balance and the very best rewards that working from home has to offer.







Move a Home Office

How to Pack and Move a Home Office

It’s not uncommon for people to leave the home office as one of the final places to pack. This chamber is feared by some even more than the garage. However, it isn’t all that tough. The trick is to get started early and fill a box here and there so that it does not feel like a massive undertaking, as it will if you get pressed for time. So, let’s get on with how to pack and move a home office!

Check and sort everything

When’s the last time you looked through the stack of papers on your desk? Depending on how much you use your office and the number of people who live in your house, this space may become a dumpsite for everything that doesn’t belong anywhere else. There may be anything stored there, from the kids’ lovingly created artwork to coupon boxes and gathered recipes. You’ll probably discover that a lot of the items in this area need to be discarded. Yes, you will have to deal with stress here, but it will help you out in the long term!

Sort important documents

All of your critical documents should be packed in your “carry-on” luggage so that they stay with you. Birth certificates, passports, automobile titles, financial paperwork, insurance information, and school, medical, and vet records are all examples of essential documents. Not that you want to anticipate your moving truck getting involved in an accident, but these are items you would be lost without if something were to happen to them. To keep them all together, put them in a large manila envelope or folder.

Packing tips

Everything that has a proper place outside of the office should go back to its location. It should make things a bit easier to manage. For example, a collection of hidden toys can go anywhere the rest of this pile is, and that unexpected jar of acrylic paint can go among the arts and crafts materials. But, if this stresses you out or you don’t want to do it, you can hire professional packers!

When packing books, stay away from big boxes that might become excessively heavy. Plastic milk containers, copy paper, and liquor boxes are all excellent options. They’re sturdy and the perfect size. Place a trash bag inside the box and place the goods inside the bag if you have objects that even a tiny amount of water might harm. Nothing inside will suffer any damage if this is the one odd package accidentally dumped in a puddle during that brief heavy downpour. Also, remember that moving trucks may get extremely hot in the summer and excessively cold in the winter, so it would be best to transport old pictures, CDs, and other delicate objects in your vehicle.

Get the right packing supplies

Due to all of the critical and expensive things found in a home office, it may not be easy to pack this room. You’ll need to prepare the proper packing materials well in advance to ensure the required protection for your sensitive papers, office equipment, and office furniture.

Sort your electronics

When you want to pack and move a home office, good organization is critical. Grab a pack of colorful stickers before you start disconnecting wires and taking out cables. Use equivalent stickers to label the port and cord, so you know how to reconnect everything. You can apply this technique to your entire entertainment center. Also, make sure you remove your printer and copier’s ink cartridges.

Then, cushion the bottom of the box with a soft sweatshirt or sweater. Place your computer, printer, and other electronics inside, along with the necessary connections and wires, in a Ziploc bag or tied together with twist ties. To protect the contents from moving about, stuff the box with shirts, socks, towels, or similar objects. Finally, write “fragile” on the exterior but never say what is really within the box.


Before you hurry to pack your office furniture for a relocation, consider whether it is necessary for your particular situation. Most furniture items are pretty heavy, and transporting them to a new home may be quite costly. That is especially true if the new property is far away from your current residence. It’s sometimes more cost-effective to leave the old furniture behind (or sell it) and buy new furniture when you finish your move. Do you truly adore your office furniture to the point where you’d pay top dollar to relocate it across the country? Unless you have personal value in your items or an expensive antique piece made of solid wood, most furniture, particularly IKEA furniture, is not worth transporting. The workload of moving it is vast, and you should probably avoid the DIY move.


There’s a high possibility your home office has many books that you’d like to relocate to your new home office. Before moving them, you need to make sure you have correctly packed them for the journey ahead. Examine your book collection to determine if there are any titles that you don’t need to pack and relocate. Some books become obsolete over time. It’s always a good idea to look through your collection and get rid of those you won’t use again.

Do this with all of your books, not just the ones at your home office. Be reasonable; you don’t want to waste money transporting goods you no longer desire.

Back up your data

Anything can happen during a move. That’s why you have to make sure to back up all of your critical electronic work data if your computer is damaged during transit. Back up all necessary computer files to a portable flash drive or an external hard drive for peace of mind. Consider utilizing an online backup service to copy your most important electronic data to make things extra secure.

Hiring movers

Your best friend will be your moving company when you want to pack and move a home office. That’s why it’s crucial to find a reputable moving company. They will help you avoid all the potential moving disasters and make sure that you have a smooth relocation. If you don’t have enough time to pack, movers usually provide that service. That way, you won’t need to do last-minute packing and get stressed for no reason.

Before hiring anyone, make sure to do proper research on your movers. That way, you will reduce the chances of being scammed and have more peace of mind! Read the reviews and compare the prices of multiple options to make sure you get the best deal.

This concludes our rather comprehensive list of tips on how to pack and move a home office. Daunting as it may seem, you will get to it quickly and effortlessly if you follow our advice. Happy moving!